Vincent Dureau, bei Google als Manager für bewegte Bilder zuständig, sprach auf dem IPTV World Forum in London über die Konvergenz von TV und Internet. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass die Zukunft des Fernsehens in der Distribution von Videos über das Internet liegt.

IPTV-Watch schreibt:

Dureau argued that IPTV is already deployed on a very large scale on the Internet, in the form of online video delivered over broadband. He argues that the term IPTV can be used to include services such as NetFlix and BitTorrent.
He suggested that there is a virtually indefinite appetite for television, as evidenced by the millions of short clips now available on YouTube.

According to Dureau, the world’s largest IPTV deployment is BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer file sharing system.
Dureau concluded his speech with a call to “embrace the web and understand that IPTV is not ahead of us — it is already behind us”.


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